Terraforming Mars is a board game by Jacob Fryxelius (and the entire Fryxelius family), published by Stronghold Games. I've been playing this game for two years, and my game board was beginning to wear out. Unfortunately Stronghold Games does not publish a replacement board, so I created one in Illustrator & Photoshop using Adobe Stock and my own created images.
I created the board to print on a neoprene mat by Inkedgaming.com. The full res version of these mats can be obtained at burke.photography
Terraforming Mars is © FryxGames 2019, published by Stronghold Games.
Terraforming Mars is © FryxGames 2019, published by Stronghold Games.

This version includes the Venus Next expansion.

This is the base game board.

The final printed mat turned out awesome! I added the logo to my own personal version.