Russell Brown - Rock & Roll Reunion
In past years, Russell Brown, Sr. Principal Designer at Adobe, Inc. hosted the ADIM conference, Art Directors Invitational Master's Class. I was able to attend a few of these conferences before COVID interrupted.
This year Russell hosted a new conference based on a similar model called the Rock & Roll Reunion in Monterey, California.
Attendees are tasked with making several projects utilizing different mediums and styles.

Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition 3D Play Surface
Adobe Illustrator Vector - Adobe Illustrator 3D Render
My first project design was a laser-cut game board for the boardgame Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition. I'm a big fan of the game and wanted to show a possible 3D design for the playing board of the game. Using the laser cutter, I created the hex grid of the game and established working resource counters. A printed "record" was used to simulate the planet surface and space beyond. Fiber optics provided lighting to the star field on the wood holder itself.
My design was selected as one of the top designs in the class.

The final printed and laser cut design.
Second Project
The second project was a poster printed on a special Canon inkjet printer that could print in fluorescent inks. This required special design that bitmapped the various color gradients to preventing mixing. I developed a special technique using the Dissolve Mode in Photoshop to make this possible.
My method was provided to the class by Russell Brown:
My final poster was a fan-art poster for the film Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve. The heavy bit-mapping is prevent the blending of the various florescent inks.